Monday, May 9, 2011

the Human Body

The human body… It’s seems like it would be an easy topic to explain, simply because, it’s basically who I am, however this is not really the case. Here is basically what I know: I am a human being, with two arms, two legs, a head, a neck, 10 fingers & 9.5 finger nails, 10 toes & 10 toenails. I have approximately 206 bones in my body. I have a heart, two kidneys, a brain, a stomach, a pancreas, etc. I have a urinary system, a nervous system, and some other systems that are very important in living. Here is some information that I have learned in my previous years as a student, some common knowledge, and years of watching funny doctor shows. 

The stomach is a very important organ. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to digest our food.    Here is a diagram of a human stomach.

Another important part of the human body is the brain. Without the brain, people are pretty much nothing. When people’s brains are not working or inactive, they are called brain dead. This is extremely sad, because it’s basically like the person is dead. There are many different parts of the brain. Different parts of the brain control different functions of the brain. For example, a person who is more artistic is said to have more activity in one part of the brain. 
Here is a diagram of a human brain.

One of the most important systems in the human body is the urinary system. Without this, waste wouldn’t be able to be excreted, and that would definitely not be good. The kidney filters blood and other items and cleans the blood while excreting urine (or waste.) The urine travels through the ureter into the urinary bladder, and the urine is released during urination through the urethra. When people have kidney failure or kidney problems, they have to go on dialysis. Dialysis is a machine that cleans your blood for you. Although we have two kidneys, we can survive with just one kidney. This is why, sometimes when a loved one or friend needs a kidney; a transplant of their kidney can be given to the person in need. However, in order for this to happen, their kidneys need to match. 
Here is a diagram of the human urinary system.

However, that is basically all that I really know. It’s sad because the human body is so complex and fascinating- but luckily the interweb has a lot of interesting and helpful information. (Below is some facts that blew my MIND!!! (figuratively of course) that I found on this very informative website…)
“Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour.”
“The brain is much more active at night than during the day.”
“Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream.”
“80% of the brain is water.”
“The largest internal organ is the small intestine.
“The human body is estimated to have 60,000 miles of blood vessels.”
“The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court.”
“Scientists have counted over 500 different liver functions.”